Friday, October 22, 2010


It's finally Friday. The week is over and tomorrow is the much anticipated Ride the Republic in Bryan, TX. I'm going to be headed out there in the morning and getting hyped up the whole 2 hour drive.

And maybe some Haterade? Is it in you?

Yesterday when I left work, I was walking down Congress and this kid rides up onto the side walk. His feet flew off the pedals as he wasn't utilizing any foot retention system of any sorts, and then I heard it. The freewheel. Now, this wouldn't have irked me but this bike was brakeless. On top of that, it was a fairly nice bike that someone had put some money into. Leader Track frame, Sugino Messenger cranks, Velocity Wheelset, Trickster Bars (which retail around $70 I believe?) etc...

I have nothing against freewheelers or deraileurs, I just don't use them. This is not an issue of cool points, this is safety here. I've taken my fair share of gravel and shed enough blood to feed a family of vampires but I've learned how to ride brakeless, and skid.

The question was asked if this dude was a BMXer, but no. Messenger bag immediately provokes fakenger status.

Dude, please put a brake on your bike.

You don't want to end up like this:

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